Monday, December 5, 2011

Seriously? Mom!

Why is it that Mom's have that uncanny way of making you feel like you're 16 again.  Let's see, I've been out of the house since I was 18, have a career, been married, had kids and yet now that I'm divorced she's giving ME dating advice! UGH. How embarassing. 

I'm hearing things from her that take me back to my days in high school when I would sit in my room playing "Reunited" on my record player over and over and over again....just hoping my then boyfriend would call me (call NOT text)...and yes, I said record player.

I know this is all new territority for both my Mom and I.  Clearly things have changed since I last dated (more than 17 years ago).  For instance.  I have 3 kids. Now that's a really ice breaker isn't it!  Cell phones didn't exist, neither did Facebook, blogs...was life easier back then? Or now? I will say one thing, texting allows people to say things they would never say on the phone or in person.  In fact, I had an entire relationship started via text, a date set up soley on text, plans confirmed via text, thankfully dinner was in person, and then the relationship ended via text (won't tell you who initiated that ;)

Back to Mom.  I know she means well.  But really, I think I've done pretty well on my own over the years, and yes, much of that has to do with great parents who taught me right from wrong.  I'm not 16 anymore.  Whatever choices I make now and going forward aren't just for my benefit....I have 3 other very good reasons to continue down the right path.

Oh...btw, I got "accepted" into that dating club.

Stay tuned.

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